
Florists' Review - March 2021

Florists' Review Media Group has served the global floral in study for over 124 years.

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34 March | 2021 mo er's day Modern Corsage is updated fl oral fashion accessory is both easily customizable and comfortable to wear. Floral design, photos and text by Alanna Kaiser, AIFD, CFD Alanna Kaiser, AIFD, CFD, is a freelance fl oral designer and owner of Adabean Floral, LLC, in Cleveland, Ohio. She has more than six years of experience in retail and event fl oristry, as well as experience in interiorscape horticulture and small- scale agriculture. Visit her at @adabean_fl oral. I wanted to showcase a Mother's Day corsage idea because personal fl owers are close to my heart. On a normal pre-COVID Mother's Day, one might take his or her mother to church and/or out to eat, and corsages make such outings more special—and let Mom show off a bit! Even without an outing, a corsage can be worn throughout the day and make Mom feel special. And most corsages designs will dry, creating a lasting keepsake that Mom will treasure forever. Regionally, women wear corsages on Mother's Day not only because they are mothers but also in honor or remembrance of their mothers, which I think is beautiful. My mom would love it if we both had matching corsages to celebrate the day, and she'd appreciate any design nods to her own late mother. So, off ering corsages that are updated, multigenerational, easily customizable and comfortable to wear might just make these wearable fl oral designs fashionable again and create a new generation of corsage buyers and wearers. Design

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