July | 2023
veryone has experienced this at one time or
another: What you thought was going to be a simple
everyday transaction for a product or service turned
out to be an experience that earned your lifetime loyalty
as a customer. Sadly, it doesn't happen very often, which
is exactly why it's so surprising when it does happen.
Today's consumer-driven environment is intently focused
on instant availability—and for good reason. More than
ever, customers want immediate access and lament any
speed bumps between them and the conclusion of the
transaction. Immediacy has become the "golden calf "
of customer satisfaction. Consumers continually reward
the quickest solution with frequent patronage, but the
results of that lust for instant gratifi cation has come at
a painful price. e line between optimization and true
innovation has been blurred as the customer experience
has been sacrifi ced on the altar of speed.
Escaping this cult of self-satisfaction where "likes" pass
for loyalty requires you to rewrite the rules of comparison.
Don't allow the value of your products or services to be
determined by an outside metric. Instead, change the game
and redefi ne what the word "value" means to your customers.
The 10 Commandments
of Creating fetime
By Tra Williams