May | 2023
the colors of which match specifi c fl owers,
such as Delphinium Blue. is Mother's Day,
we will off er products from a local coff ee
roaster and a local bakery, and we will donate
a portion of every sale to a local food bank.
Dr Delphinium Designs & Events, with
locations in Dallas and Richardson, Texas,
off ers fabulous locally made artisan sugar
cookies paired with its fl ower arrangements.
e "Flowers and Cookie Sets" are available
for a variety of occasions, including
birthdays, anniversaries, births and get well,
among others. Dr Delphinium procures the
beautiful gourmet cookies from a "couture
cookie studio" that was, until recently, based
in Dallas but has relocated to Las Vegas,
Nev. e "Flowers and Cookie Sets" range
in price from $90 to $140, but the company
also off ers "Flowers and Wine Packages,"
one of which sells for $270 and includes
a bottle of Dom PĂ©rignon champagne.
Marketing Local/
Regional Products
If you're going to sell local and regional
merchandise, you will want to market the
items locally, both in store and online.
As Kennedy's Flowers & Gifts and Dr
Delphinium can attest, a great strategy is
to bundle certain items with fl owers or
plants. In addition, train and, possibly,
incentivize your staff to suggest specifi c
local items as add-ons to all orders, to both
phone and walk-in customers.
Additionally, creating a business account
on Yelp, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram
can help you connect with a local audience.
Sharing tips and articles is an excellent
way to drive local engagement and get
good reviews of your business.
Botanical serums
created by fl ower
farmer Suzette Jones,
Charmed Valley Farm,
East Jordan, Mich.
Dr Delphinium Designs & Events