
Florists' Review May 2023

Florists' Review Media Group has served the global floral in study for over 124 years.

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Extra Features and Video Online R E A D O N L I N E 15 Passionflower Sue Online Class: "Foam-free Floral Pillar" Innovative fl oral designer, artist and educator extraordinaire Susan McLeary (a.k.a. Passionfl ower Sue) off ers both online and in-person fl oral design instruction. e "Foam-free Floral Pillar" class is just one of more than 40 online fl oral design classes McLeary off ers, on creating wearable fl oral art, bouquets, centerpieces, structures and large-scale installations. In the "Foam-free Floral Pillar" class, students will learn how to create an adaptable large-scale foam-free fl ower pillar made solely of reusable and compostable materials. ey will also discover how to source materials and how to turn common botanicals into interesting and unexpected design elements. In addition, once "enrolled," students will have lifetime access to the class, so it can be taken and reviewed at any time. Get more information about this and other online classes at passionfl ers-page. European Master Certification (EMC) Courses An Education and Certification Program A three-part journey into fl oral design craftsmanship, knowledge and professional certifi cation, the European Master Certification (EMC) program is led by Tomas De Bruyne and Christi Lopez, EMC, AIFD, CFD. e EMC Core Program, which comprises three courses—Foundation, Practicum and Advanced—takes six to 12 months to complete—if one pursues the three parts one after the other, although that is not required. EMC off ers payment plans for every step in the program, so one can pay as one progresses through the program. Program participants will start by diving into the basics of fl oral design through a diff erent lens, with the Foundation course. ey will learn about the elements and principles of design through a unique combination of online learning and small-group coaching, e second step is the Practicum course, which builds on the foundation participants established in the Foundation course, applying what they learned in a more hands-on setting. In the third course—Advanced—which is hands- on and in-person, participants will travel to Belgium and work with De Bruyne to refi ne their skills and become certifi ed. e EMC program is the ultimate test of a fl oral designers abilities. Learn more about EMC at europeanmastercertifi cation. com/core-program.

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