
Florists' Review - March 2023

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40 March | 2023 Design Proper care and handling of cut flowers is well worth the extra effort. Purchasing cut flowers that are grown and handled correctly, as well as maintaining the flowers conscientiously in a retail setting, takes extra time and attention. e payoff comes when customers receive flower that remain beautiful for the longest possible time and they become repeat and loyal customers. What should I do to properly process flowers upon their arrival in my flower shop? Remove flowers from the shipping box(es), and inspect them for the presence of insects or disease. en, cut about 1 inch to 2 inches from the end of each stem, remove leaves that would be underwater in the storage containers, and place the flower stems into a properly mixed flower food solution. Some flower foods have been designed so that the stems do not require a fresh cut. All you have to do with those solutions is remove the lower leaves before placing the stems into the solution. Move the flowers to a flower cooler for several hours so they are well-chilled before being used. Should I hydrate flowers in cold, warm or hot water? Research shows that using cold water (35 F to 40 F) extends vase life. Some flowers, such as bulb flowers, will open more rapidly if placed in warm or hot water, which is, generally, undesirable. Once you move the buckets to the cooler, the flower food solution and the flowers should already be cold. TIP: Clean your buckets the day before use, fill them with flower food solution, and place them into the cooler overnight so you do not have to use ice or a water chiller to cool the water. By Terril A. Nell, Ph.D., AAF Research Coordinator American Floral Endowment Top Care and Handng Quo Awered The latest research-backed answers to the 10 questions florists ask most about caring for cut flowers.

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