December 2022
Kindest regards,
Jules Lewis Gibson
President & Creative Director
Florists' Review Media Group
s we wind down the year and look back over the
many issues we've created at Florists' Review,
we are amazed by the talent and generosity
featured among the pages. Floral designers
across the U.S. and abroad have shared
their stunning talents in our features and contests.
It is this generosity of creativity that I admire most about
the fl ower industry.
New ideas and skills are highly coveted in most industries.
People wouldn't think of sharing their innovations, but in
the fl oral industry, it's quite the opposite. I believe that this
generosity leads to even more creativity. By lifting other fl oral
professionals, it only strengthens the industry as a whole.
An example is the sharing of creative design ideas for
Valentine's Day by fl oral designers from across the
globe, which are showcased in our feature "Inspired
Valentine's Contest." ey are certain to invigorate
you thinking about Valentine's Day designs in a new light.
Flower crown by Allure Farms
IFPA Global Produce & Floral Show 2022
On the business side of the coming holiday, we developed our " Valentine's Day Profi t
Planner," which is chock-full of tips and information that will help you get organized
and improve your effi ciency and profi tability. And speaking of profi tablilty, which could
be even more of a challenge in 2023, defi nitely do not miss our "Retail Forecast 2023."
It will defi nitely give you some insights on how to navigate an economy that
many economists are predicting will continue to slow.
Finally, as always, I must thank everyone who contributed to this beautiful
issue and every issue this year. And to our loyal subscribers and marketing
partners, who make it all possible, we off er our humble gratitude for your
continued support!
Wishing you all the very best holiday and prosperous and joyous new year!