December | 2022
No. 5
Shannon Clegg
London, England
Re-imagining the limits of
dried fl owers as a material
was a goal set—and clearly
achieved—by London-based
fl oral educator and artist
Shannon Clegg. Through a
unique process of exploring
the sculptural limits of fl owers
through fi ne art, Shannon
developed her pressed-fl ower
vase series, including this dried
kangaroo-paw vase pictured
above, which got you talking.
No. 4
Eriko Nagata | EriN Design International
New York, N.Y. USA | erindesignintl.com | @erindesign_eriko
The tropical-nouveau wonder (bottom left) was created to
accompany a solo exhibition of new work by Japanese pop-
artist Mr., entitled "Beyond the Alley, There … ," at the prestigious
Lehmann Maupin gallery in London. Floral designer Eriko Nagata
used the language of fl owers to interpret the bold paintings and
sculptures featured in the show, melding the boldness of Heliconia,
Anthurium and Gerbera with the softness of peach blossoms,
Ranunculus, Phalaenopsis orchids and Amaranthus, resulting in
an effect that had everyone talking. Nagata is a Japanese-born
fl oral designer currently working in New York City. Guided by the
principles of ikebana, her work has been featured in numerous
publications and appeared in collaboration with top luxury brands
including Tiffany & Co. and Dior.
No. 3
Goshá Studio | Dubai and Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
goshafl owers.com | @gosha.fl owers
When imagining Halloween-themed fl owers, many things come to
mind, from spooky black glitter to blood-red roses. In the design
below, Dubai based boutique fl orist Goshá Studio completely
reimagined and redefi ned what Halloween arrangements
could be. Taking notes from the modern architecture of the
UAE and fusing it with the soft touch of tropical nouveau,
this autumn composition got you talking with its speckled
orchids, otherworldly Heliconia and dramatic Anthurium
anchored by creamy white pumpkins and lifted by a
spray of white ball Dahlia in an unglazed bowl.