
Florists' Review - November 2022

Florists' Review Media Group has served the global floral in study for over 124 years.

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6 November 2022 welcome Kindest regards, Jules Lewis Gibson President & Creative Director Florists' Review Media Group W hen we plan each issue of Florists' Review, we strive to provide inspiration and information to stimulate both sides of the brain—something for everyone in a fl ower shop, from the more logical and analytical left-brain-dominant among us to the more creative and intuitive right-brainers, as well as everyone who possesses traits of both. While this issue was not intentionally planned to focus on ways to increase revenues— something that requires both utilizing both hemispheres of one's brain—that theme is certainly prominent in all this month's editorial features. In Alex Frost's enlightening article, " e Most Profi table Flower Shop I Have Ever Seen," the fl oral industry sage shares the surprising business model of a retail fl ower business in the Northeast region of the U.S. (the only clue he provides to the shop's identity) that uses only a 2X markup on fresh fl owers and does not take phone orders, off er delivery, employ any fl oral designers, or do any weddings or events. It's a fascinating read and will surely inspire you to consider implementing at least part of the shop's winning strategies. "Finishing Touches" explores the secrets that Tim Huckabee, FSC, president of FloralStrategies, teaches for boosting the dollar amount of your average sale while "helping each existing customer to further personalize his or her purchase"—all with very little extra eff ort and no new-customer acquisition costs. You'll also fi nd some great suggestions for curating a collection of occasion-specifi c add-on sale items. " e Global Holiday Spirit" off ers a wealth of fascinating information about various religious and cultural holidays, occasions and events upon which you can capitalize to appeal to new customer bases that may already be a part of your community. Lots of great info here, too. Another concept for increasing revenues is proff ered by Jill Brooke—that of "pop-up" shops and fl ower trucks. Discover how four fl orists have expanded their reach (and their sales) with additional locations—movable, temporary and permanent. In terms of marketing, you can no longer aff ord to dismiss or ignore TikTok or its users. Tonneli Grüetter explains how the social media juggernaut's new #fl owertok provides an unmatched way for you to reach new fl ower- loving consumers while it delivers more target audience, consumer trust and views than any other social media app. And because it's fall and the winter holidays are just weeks away, be sure to spend time with our features on dried botanicals and winter evergreens, which are sure to inspire greater seasonal sales. Finally, as always, I must thank everyone who contributed to this beautiful issue and, especially, our loyal subscribers and marketing partners, who make it all possible!

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