February 2022
or 23 years, fl orists across North America have submitted photos of their wedding
fl oral design work to Florists' Review's "Picture Perfect Weddings" contest. is
year's entries are, without doubt, one of the most impressive collections of
breathtaking installations and fl oral artistry we have ever received.
Selecting the winners was a challenge. We even added new categories and expanded
our "Honorable Mention" section due to the outstanding works submitted!
Also in this issue, we help you get ready for prom season with an in-depth article on how
to boost your prom sales. Speaking of boosting, the weddings industry has exploded in
recent months, so much so that fl orists report in our study with FlowerPowerDaily that FlowerPowerDaily that FlowerPowerDaily
they are turning down work in record numbers, choosing instead to focus on quality
rather than quantity. Florists are sticking to profi table pricing models and saying "no"
to the Instagram bridezillas working with champagne fantasies and beer budgets.
e fl oral arches of their dreams cost serious money to create. With supply-chain
issues, fl orists must realistically price their product and time. e older I get, the more
I understand the importance of pricing your time. It's one of the few things in this world
we can't replicate or buy more of, so price accordingly.
We may not be able to make more time, but the generational aspect of the fl oral industry
gives some a way to expand it a bit. In "Built by Family," we share some inspirational
stories of families who have maintained family-owned fl oral businesses for many
generations and served as stabilizing forces for the industry.
As always, a big "thank you" to all our marketing partners, our fabulous team and our
loyal subscribers.
Rose compliments of Alexandra Farms
Kindest Regards,
Jules Lewis Gibson
President & Creative Director
Florists' Review Media Group