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Step- By- Step
• Latex balloons (5", 11" and 19")
• 260 latex twisting balloons
(name comes from their infl ation
size: 2" in diameter by 60" long)
• Monofi lament
• Electric air infl ator
• 3M Command
Step 1 Fully infl ate
5-inch and 11-inch latex
balloons using an electric
air infl ator, and tie them
off. Infl ate 19-inch latex
balloons to a variety of
sizes—all larger than the
11-inch latex balloons.
Step 2 After infl ating
the balloons, tie the knotted
necks of two 11-inch balloons
of the same color together,
creating a "duplet." Repeat this
procedure until all the 11-inch
balloons, of all colors, are tied
together to form duplets. Then,
repeat this process with the
5-inch balloons.
Step 3 Combine two
duplets (of the same size and
color) by pushing the necks
together and twisting two
times, to form a "quad." Repeat
this procedure until all of the
5-inch and 11-inch balloons
are formed into quads.
Step 4 Attach one quad of
11-inch balloons to one end of a length
of monofi lament by wrapping the
monofi lament between the balloons,
around the necks. Add another
11-inch quad, of the same color, onto
the monofi lament; push it fi rmly against
the fi rst quad; and secure it in place by
wrapping the monofi lament around the
necks. Continue to add 11-inch quads
in this manner until you have created the
desired length. Repeat this process with
the other colors of 11-inch balloon quads.
Step 5 To attach
the 5-inch balloon
quads into the 11-inch
balloon "garland," tie
one 5-inch quad to
each end of a 260
twisting balloon, and
wrap these among
the larger balloons,
as desired, to create
the desired thickness
and shape (keep it
organic and free-
form). Finally, tie the
19-inch balloons
(infl ated to various
sizes) into the garland,
positioning them
where you like, with
either monofi lament
or a 260 balloon.
Step 6 Attach a small or medium-size 3M
Hook to the wall where you want
to place garland. Tie the garland to the hook
with either monofi lament or a 260 balloon.
Make adjustments to the balloon placements,
as needed.