Florists' Review Media Group has served the global floral in study for over 124 years.
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Feature 28 August | 2021 Claudette Wellons, of LaShee Floral & Events, off ered to participate, and took the fi rst-fl oor powder room. "A powder room allows you to go as big as you want and be as creative as you want," she says. " e space is a perfect opportunity because it's small, and people will view the fl owers." For the powder room, Wellons used yellow Oriental lilies, pincushions, roses, callas and draping Amaranthus. e wallpaper wasn't a big expense because the room was so small. "People loved it," Dabir assures. Furthermore, in bathrooms, there is easy access to water, and the rooms tend to be less structured, so a fl oral artist can be more creative. One can fi ll the ceilings, sinks and bathtubs with impresario fl ourishes. For another room, fl orist Laurie Bolach, of Olive's Bloombox, transformed a drab shower area into a cascading waterfall of fl owers. "It was an immersive experience to walk through," Dabir notes. Fauno Floral sponsored a luncheon, and then, Dabir reports, "Several designers used him, as well." Dabir shares another tip for currying favor with the producers of these events: Off er to replace fl owers as needed. Florists who off er to freshen their fl owers during the show score points, she mentions. "One reason I like using local fl orists is that they can be around to replace fl owers when needed." Another imperative is to disregard normal conventions of scale. Both interior designers and fl orists want the fl owers to pop. Marjeth Cummings, owner of Florals by Marjeth Cummings, created a fl ower arrangement for interior designer Everick Brown at e Kaleidoscope Project's show house in West Stockbridge, Mass. Cummings used a tall cylinder vase with simple meadow-like fl owers, for a lovely eff ect that complemented Brown's choice of wallpaper. For show-house dining rooms, the scale of table fl owers is often massive. We've seen designers cluster numerous arrangements on a single table—especially when the table is not set. In some rooms, like bedrooms, for example, a table can have a soaring tall arrangement in front of a mirror, which wouldn't LaShee Floral & Events