
Florists' Review - August 2021

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Feature 24 August | 2021 " Elisha Hodge, owner of Plumeria Botanical Boutique in Battle Creek, Mich., opened her shop in 2015 after 20 years working in fi nance. "I was used to designer suits, banker's hours, benefi ts and having free time. I gave all that up to own my own business," Hodge says. Her mother, a freelance fl orist for 30 years, was working at a shop that was closing and suggested that Hodge look into buying it. "For three months, I educated myself on the fl ower industry, learned about the competitors and wrote a business plan. I decided if my house sold for a profi t, I would take the proceeds to buy the building. My house sold in two weeks! I found myself homeless and jobless and almost 40 years old! On Sept. 15, 2015, I opened Plumeria Botanical Boutique. I envisioned a boutique fi lled with locally sourced gift items, unique art and, of course, amazing fl owers." After four years of frustration with wire services, her shop became the only independent fl ower shop in Battle Creek. "Some of the tools that have helped us be successful are staying fl exible, making small changes we can aff ord and staying relevant," Hodge shares. When COVID hit and the shop shut down, she began creating Facebook videos and live Zoom classes to keep her customers involved. She shipped items to people who shopped virtually. Her innovation and connection with the community has been key to her tremendous growth. Clever ideas like a "plant- cutting wall" keep her customers coming back for more. Here, she shares her insights on how she grew her business. Social media has been huge with increasing community awareness. We post to Facebook and Instagram daily. We off er plant tips, showcase new items, featured fl owers and the cutest " Water Wednesday" videos. My nieces visit the shop weekly and choose their favorite plants, then we pick some fun facts and record it for Facebook. We call it " Water Wednesday" to help customers remember to watch it. Achieving a large following and gaining loyal customers has helped our bottom line. at's when the big shift in plants came. We have always carried live plants and gifts, but now we off er a huge variety of rare and unusual plants. Succulents are our top-sellers; they are easy to care for and aff ordable. We have self-potting options as well as trendy pots, pot hangers, and pot decorations. Along with potting options, we have a plant-cutting wall. e "OPP wall" (Other People's Plants) is a free trade. Customers are encouraged to bring in a plant cutting and exchange it for another—a free plant swap. is draws customers in from across the state. Rare fi nds are traded, and everyone can enjoy a variety of plants! e fi nal tool that has contributed to our success is our "Plant ICU." When a customer purchases a plant from us, we give care instructions, with the understanding that if the plant characteristics start to change, they can bring it back to our plant hospital. We have grow lights, fertilizer, bug spray—all the tools to care for sick plants. Customers "admit" their plants to our ICU, and the plants are returned with "discharge papers" explaining how to maintain care. Our plant sales have increased to 35 percent of our overall sales. Since 2015, Plumeria has blossomed from two employees to 12. We employ the only certifi ed fl orist in our county as well as a professional photographer. We have increased our annual sales an average of 30 percent every year! We have been able to give thousands of dollars back to our community with collaborations and fund-raisers. One of the most popular events is our plant auction. e community chooses a charity or cause, and Plumeria organizes a Facebook plant auction twice a year. My Flower Shop Journey weeks! I found myself homeless and jobless and almost 40 years old! On Sept. 15, 2015, I opened Plumeria My Flower Shop Journey Innovation always wins, and although we have not always hit home runs, we continue to swing, and that sets us apart from most small businesses.

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