
Florists' Review - August 2021

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Feature 22 August | 2021 sense of wellness, they off er relief from depression and anxiety, and they clean the air. People have needed things to nurture and care for. In addition, plants are a relief from the constant bombardment of technology. ey give us a break from notifi cations, buzzing mobile devices and constant social media." When marketing the fl oral industry to younger generations as a viable career, Tanner off ers these fi ve thoughts: • e traditional fl orist may have to evolve. It could be a niche part of the industry, like events, or it could be like a boutique. Our younger team, for example, wants to be able to create and nurture a section of our business— to take ownership. • Consider creating a boutique environment with gifts, plants, fl owers and jewelry. Your business no longer has to be just a fl ower shop or plant shop; it can be a fun lifestyle shop, as well. • People who have an artistic fl air or a passion for working with fl owers need to be able to show it off . Taking advantage of platforms such as Instagram, as well as websites, can not only drive traffi c to your store but also create interest in fl oral industry careers. • People who have a passion for growing plants and watching plants grow can benefi t from working in a green environment that's good for their well-being. Make sure visitors to your business know of any available employment and educational opportunities. • Market fl oriculture retail as a creative fi eld of work, with opportunities that allow younger generations to embrace their passions. houseplant Marketing & Merchandising Tips When it comes to maximizing potential sales opportunities for foliage and fl owering plants, Justin Hancock, brand marketing manager at Costa Farms in Miami, Fla., offers these four tips. 1. Take advantage of houseplants' benefi cial impact on health and wellness. It's easy to fi nd and cite university studies about how your plants can make your customers' lives better. 2. Look at what plant infl uencers are talking about on social media, and pull quotes, with attribution, in your in-store signage. This gives consumers a sense of third-party endorsement and can help make a connection if your consumers follow the same infl uencers. 3. Use social media platforms to poll your consumers on why they want to receive a plant as a gift, and then recycle those answers in your marketing, especially during the winter holiday season. 4. If you have different areas/departments in your store, incorporate plants into your home décor section. That's how a lot of your consumers see them—as beautiful home décor— so help them by giving ideas for how plants can be incorporated with other home accessories. Polka-dot Begonia (Begonia maculata) from Costa Farms

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