
Florists' Review - August 2021

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Business 60 August | 2021 3 DO I OWN THE WEBSITE? A lot of people are confused by this and not sure what they own and don't own when they sign a website contract or subscription. If you have a WordPress or Shopify website, that website is 100 percent under your control; you own it and control it. If you have a subscription website from any other third-party vendor, the vendor owns it, and you are just "renting" space on the vendor's server. e vendor can change the terms at any time and tack on transaction fees or take a percentage of each order— or both. 4 ARE THERE TRANSACTION FEES ON EACH ORDER? In some cases, some website providers charge $2 to $5 per order or, even worse, 10 percent of each sale! is can quickly add up to $500 to $1,000 a month more. Be extremely careful about signing with any provider that takes a cut of your business! You already have to pay 2 percent to 3 percent for every credit-card order, and you don't need to pay any more than that—and you won't when you own and control your own website. 5 DOES THE WEBSITE INTEGRATE WITH MY CREDIT-CARD PROCESSOR? If you have to change credit-card processors just to have a website, you are going to create a whole lot of accounting work on the back end with multiple processors. Try to use the same processor for your website and POS system so that every transaction is one settlement statement each day. 6 CAN MY CUSTOMERS PAY THEIR BILLS ONLINE? If your customers cannot log in and see all their invoices and statements and make a payment, you are creating more work for yourself on many levels. Ask the vendor if there is omni- channel capability.

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