July | 2021
edible flowers
A Florist's Guide to
By Tonneli Grüetter
F rom urban culinary hot spots
such as New York City's Il Fiorista
(a restaurant, floral boutique
and education center) to flower-
laden cakes appearing in summer
weddings, the edible flower trend
is here to stay.
While many of us already know
the basics of edibles such as
sugared rose petals, sweet spring
violets and pretty pressed pansies,
there continues to be a huge gap
between consumer interest in
edible botanicals and florists
armed with colorful supplies
needed to help connect chefs
and mixologists with fresh
seasonal and dried blooms.
Use this helpful guide to identify
15 edible flowers you may not have
known about and the flavor profiles
that make them unique, plus five
you should never allow near food.
Cake styled by Salty Acres Whidbey Island Flower Farm; Oak Harbor, Wash.