
Florists' Review - March 2021

Florists' Review Media Group has served the global floral in study for over 124 years.

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20 March | 2021 new fl ower varieties to observe the possibilities their off spring might produce—sometimes 10,000 or more crosses! e resulting "child" varieties go through a three-stage selection process, competing against each other and commercially available varieties to demonstrate their worth. In the end, less than 1 percent of the crosses ever make it to the fi eld. e low achievers are discarded, and the "rock stars" are repeatedly tested for improvements in yield and quality. roughout this selection process, plant breeders also test the plant's growth characteristics, vigor and hardiness, to provide you with the best quality product for your customers. Because the vast majority of the cut fl owers available for sale in the U.S. are imported, Ball SB even subjects its new varieties to air travel and vase-life trials. ose that can't thrive after a 21-day fl ight simulation and still yield a 12-to-15-day vase test don't make the cut. Only the top performers survive to reach your fl ower market. Ball SB works with hundreds of growers who take the promising new varieties and grow them on a trial basis on farms across the world from South America and Central America to Africa and Israel. If a grower takes a liking to one of the new contenders, he or she may decide to expand production and bring the new variety to market. Presto! A new variety is born and named and enters the pipeline headed toward your commercial fl ower market. Some plant improvements are outwardly obvious—bigger bloom size or wild new hues. But some plant changes are subtle and improve the plant's disease resistance or drought tolerance in the fi eld. ese advances lead to expanded, more-economical fl ower production, which means a greater abundance of fl owers at market and, possibly, cost reductions for you. Plant breeding starts in the lab but is equal parts science and art. A plant breeder's work dances between plant genetics and aesthetic harmony. ese fl ower scientists are passionate about their work. ey love studying and understanding these fl ower varieties to draw out their greatest potential. Ball SB's commitment to fl ower improvement quietly increases the buff et of available blooms that you transform into vibrant design. On your next trip to a wholesaler or grower's market, take a moment to behold the dazzling diversity of fl ower options. e glorious diffi culty of the decision-making is due to the devoted work of plant breeders who adore fl owers as much as you and your customers do. Ball SB is breeding fl owers to color the world and fuel your imagination! Visit us at or fi nd us on Instagram @BallSBcutfl owers

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